Friday, November 19, 2010

Stories within a novel

Guest post written by Rick Black

I've read a lot of books by the author who wrote Fight Club, Chuck Palhanuik, but there was one that I had been putting off for a while because all of the reviews of it that I've read said that it is one of his worst ones. But when it comes to books, I'm more faithful to my favorite authors than some random critics that I've never met in my life. So I decided to go ahead and give the book Haunted a try anyway.

I read a couple of the reviews over again and ordered it off Amazon anyway. While I was doing that I came across teh web site and decided to change over my internet access to it because I'd had a couple of bad run ins with my old internet company.

Well the Haunted book is about a bunch fo writers that are taking a retreat together and it has a lot of their short stories and poem mixed in with the novel, which has made for some interesting reading.


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