Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bring on the Chill!

Guest post written by Christine Duncan

One of the things I love most about living in the mid-Atlantic is the dramatic change in seasons. You don't like the weather? Wait a few weeks. When winter comes crashing in, I find myself scrambling to get my old house ready for the chilly weather. Here's my checklist:

1. Furnace - Get the furnace checked out before winter hits. Good maintenance on your furnace is quick and easy.

2. Windows - Check to make sure your windows are locked tight to avoid those drafty cracks from "almost" closed windows.

3. Air conditioners - Not having central air, I take the time to remove the small air conditioners and cover up the larger one. The cold air that comes through those vents can really make a difference in your home's comfort.

4. Outdoor water - The one I nearly forget every year is turning off the outdoor faucet from inside. That tiny drip could have disastrous consequences when the freeze sets in.

5. Supplies - Stock up on snow shovels and salt some time around October and you won't be scrambling when the first flakes hit.

Once I'm done, I sit back with some cocoa, watch the snow fall, and turn on the Cable TV Channel Lineup - it's going to be a long winter but at least I'm warm.


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