Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Shopping for Black Friday

Thanks for the guest post by Bill Hardin

I can't believe that we're already in the middle of November. So far I haven't even thought about Thanksgiving preparations, let alone Christmas. Still, with the economy being what it is and money being tight, I definitely have to make sure to go shopping on "Black" Friday.

I actually didn't even know about "Black" Friday until my roommate mentioned it to me. Last year was actually my first time. My roommate apparently has been camping out in front of the electronics store for years now. I requested to take a personal day off from work and camped out with my roommates in front of the local electronics store to pick up the latest computer gadgets. Most of my friends are techies and if I play my cards right, I can almost always get all my shopping done at one place. Almost didn't happen last year since we got started camping a little late and their was already a huge line in front of us. Since we'll probably be out all night and for most of the next day, I'll probably be setting the home security alarm from again just in case.

This year I'm thinking about getting a laptop for my brother and some video games for my cousins. I'm still not sure what kind of gadgets I'll get for each of my friends, but I'm sure I'll find something.


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