Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reffing from the stands

Guest post written by Chastity Waller

I'm so used to my husband taunting the refs from the stands that I just completely block it out when we go to football games. We both went to college together - that's where we actually met - so we're both pretty passionate about our alma mater's football program. We have season tickets and live and breath with the team.

Sometimes I worry about the people around us getting upset or bothered by him acting like that but truth be told a lot of them actually act that way too. At the last game we went to there were a lot of calls against our team and we ended up losing in the end, which my husband blamed on all of those calls. It was after one of these calls that I wasn't understanding what they sai the call was for and I asked my husband and I think he was annoyed because he had to explain it to me instead of expressing his anger through yelling.

When we got home that night I looked up Hearing Aids costs and decided to buy some. It's too bad that I can't drown out my husband while hearing what's going on in the game.


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