Friday, July 9, 2010

Shopping online

I am here online shopping dresses and looking for eye wrinkle cream. I love shopping online because it can really saves me time. I shop most of my clothes, make ups, and other kinds of stuffs that I need online and I love it. I just shop online and after couple of days it will arrived at my front door. I have three kids and It's hard for me to go out to the mall and shop. If my mother-in-law baby sit my kids I'll go hang out with friends or go to the mall and go shopping but most of the time I shop online.

We went to the mall one time with my three kids and I was really having a hard time I didn't enjoyed it all. So we didn't stay long at the mall we went back home and promise myself to not to shop at the mall anymore with kids. It is just not fun at all.


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