Sunday, July 11, 2010

A new place to call home

Thanks to guest blogger Jake Dillenger for the post.

Moving to a new city can be quite an interesting experience. It is really like nothing else that you do in life. As humans we are so used to our day to day routine. When we throw in a curve ball like moving to a new city, it can be somewhat unsettling.

I learned this first hand with my recent move to Knoxville, Tennessee. The reason for the move was business related, as is the case most of the time. However, it was not really business as usual to move away from the lights and action of Las Vegas to this much lesser known southern city.

Knoxville is a pleasant enough, but it is radically different from the city that never sleeps. The first thing that I noticed was how things around this city actually close. In Las Vegas, I had to have a Security Choice ADT system. In Knoxville, the business is more targeted towards the locals. This means that they can close on nights and weekends.

This was just one of the many factors that I had to take into account with my recent move. The experience is much different than anything else that I would experience in my day to day life, but I believe I will adapt anyway.


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