Sunday, January 1, 2012

The New Mom

Post contributed by Hilton Miranda

Being a new mom is great and it’s so nice that we bought the bigger house before the baby came. I would hate it if we were still in that condo with Casey and myself AND our son so it’s really nice to have the second and third bedrooms to give us more room to move around in. We got a dog, too, so having the backyard for him to play in has been crucial, too. I went to when we first moved in to get our energy rates down and I also spent a lot of time looking into low-maintanence grass options for the backyard and hired a lawncare company to come a few times a week. It’s nice that I’m finally able to call this place our own and that we aren’t living underneath or above anyone anymore…there’s something to be said for living in a single family home. I love my little family and I can’t wait to expand it further one day when we decide we’re ready to have more kids!


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